Here is our exhibition for National Heritage Week 2023. We decided to produce these boards to research and present some of the traditions associated with the homesteads, particular to Ballybay. With few people growing their own food, keeping small animals, and buying and selling food locally nowadays, we thought it was important to highlight the benefits of these important traditions in the hope of rekindling some of them. We also had a stall planned for Ballybay Fair Day, where we hoped to display small animals, local crops, herbal remedies, and various homestead paraphernalia, but sadly the event was cancelled. It seems ironic that in a town that was once celebrated throughout the country for the quality of its fairs, it is now impossible to let local people sell local produce, even for but one day a year. Anyhow, we hope you enjoy our little presentation, please leave a comment below in case we missed any traditions you’d like to share.